Officers, commonly called wardens in England, were elected by the members, and their chief function was to supervise the quality of the wares produced, so as to secure good and honest workmanship. Therefore, ordinances were made regulating the hours of labour and the terms of admission to the gild, including apprenticeship.

Running Supervisor — Supervisor 4.2.0 documentation Jul 07, 2020 Use runit to supervise Linux services - TechRepublic Use runit to supervise Linux services. by Vincent Danen in Linux and Open Source , in Open Source on May 4, 2008, 11:53 PM PST Gerrit Pape's runit is similar to djb's daemontools and allows you to

Apr 21, 2020

Apr 21, 2020

Super User Linux (Super User Access to Root Privileges) PCTG

Jul 18, 2018 Linux下使用Supervise_Linux教程_Linux公社-Linux系统门户网站 Linux教程:如何在命令行中查看目 (07/28/2014 12:22:23) Linux 修改root密码 (11/03/2012 07:53:38) su - root 与su root的区别 (06/06/2012 00:39:40) Linux进程间通信:消息队列 (01/28/2013 09:43:00) U盘安装Linux开机无法启动解决方法 (10/07/2012 08:55:52) Windows 7/Linux 同步时间 (05/15/2012 06:17:55) Use supervise in a sentence | supervise sentence examples Officers, commonly called wardens in England, were elected by the members, and their chief function was to supervise the quality of the wares produced, so as to secure good and honest workmanship. Therefore, ordinances were made regulating the hours of labour and the terms of admission to the gild, including apprenticeship. qmail /service/qmail-send: unable to open supervise