Saving Your Search History using My EBSCOhost
Yahoo Web Search. Yahoo. Preferences; Languages; Search History Search History - How to Delete All Searches , View, Find Now- To find, search and view your recent searches select item view. To delete the recent searches history tap the settings symbol and select “Remove Items”. Pick the period of my history that you want to delete all searches from. Another option you can likewise select, “The beginning of time”, and get rid of your search activity at once. Welcome to My Activity
Querying the history. Now that we now how to specify a date in JQL we can start using our time machine and try to go back in the history of our JIRA issues.!These history queries can be pretty slow from time to time depending on what you are searching for.
View or delete search history - Android - YouTube Help To pause search history for your account, tap on your profile picture Settings History & privacy and turn on Pause search history. Delete individual searches. To delete individual searches from your search history when you’re signed in with your account: Tap Search . Tap and hold a suggested search result with the History icon next to it.
How to Automatically Delete Google Maps Search History on
Jul 04, 2018 · Along with search history results, Microsoft stores a lot of other data from things you do while signed in to your account, like Apps and Services you’ve used, Cortana voice searches, and Edge browsing history. All these things can be deleted from your privacy dashboard in the same manner as your search history. Jun 04, 2020 · Tap the "Settings" icon on the iPhone home screen. In the Settings menu, select the "Safari" tab. Look for the options that read "Clear History" and "Clear Cookies and Data." If you want to remove only your recent searches, tap on the "Clear History" button. Welcome to My Activity. Data helps make Google services more useful for you. Sign in to review and manage your activity, including things you’ve searched for, websites you’ve visited, and videos you’ve watched. Discover your family history by exploring the world's largest family tree and genealogy archive. Share family photos and stories. It's all free.